Easy and Healthy Pumpkin Spiced Coffee

Pumpkin Spice Coffee You know it's fall when people start going gah-gah over pumpkin spice flavored coffee drinks. Now I'm not going to say that I've never bought a fancy-pants coffee, but, for me, it's more of a special occasion than an every day ritual (for the health of my body and my wallet). Making your coffee at home will save you some cash and also give you complete control over what's going into your drink. Now there are recipes out there that use a homemade syrup or some other mix-in, but today I wanted to share another alternative that involves brewing the spices right along with your grounds. It's easy and can be whipped up quickly. Perfect for those of you who need instant gratification.


After several batches, this has been our favorite variation. As with any recipe, feel free to make adjustments to suit your individual preferences. I like to sweeten mine with maple syrup.

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Pumpkin Spice Coffee


1/2 cup coffee grounds

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

  1. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly until all of the spices are completely dispersed throughout the grounds.
  2. Brew your coffee as normal.


5 Fall Recipes

5fallrecipes Just like everyone else, I'm super excited for fall! Today, I thought I would share five recipes that are on my list to try out. I've also created a Pinterest board dedicated to this topic, so I'll keep adding recipes as I find them. :)

  1. Baked Butternut Squash Chips. A fun way to use all of that fall squash!
  2. Maple Roasted Chickpeas. I've been wanting to try a roasted chickpea recipe for a while, and this sweet version might just be the first one.
  3. Beef Chili and Soaked Cornbread. Fall weather also means warm and cozy soups and stews. Since the tomatoes are gone for the year (sad face) I'd switch out the ones in this recipe for canned.
  4. Maple Pumpkin Butter. Maple + Pumpkin = Fall. The end.
  5. Caramel Apples Without Corn Syrup. This would be a great Halloween option for people who don't think you are trying to poison their child.

I hope you guys enjoy trying out these recipes as much as I will!

What is your favorite fall recipe? Share in the comments below!

Things I'm Excited About For Fall


  1. Boots. I've been in search of a good pair of riding boots for a couple years now, but they never fit comfortably over my large calves. These are extra wide and have some elastic, so maybe they'll do the trick!
  2. Pumpkins. While most people are having dreams of Starbucks, I prefer the real thing. Whether used for decor or eating, their quintessential for fall. Plus, making your own pumpkin puree tastes way better than the canned stuff and makes you feel especially fancy.
  3. Dark nail polish. I love my brights, but I'm definitely ready to rock the fall colors. Zoya Hunter is a great green and is right in line with this season's military trend.
  4. Sweaters. They're super cozy and this one has kitties on it!
  5. Apples. They're one of my favorite fruits to add to my plain yogurt, great for snacking, and come in tons of different varieties. They also make a great salad addition!
  6. Seasonal candles. I love this one from Aroma Naturals. It's a mix of orange, clove, and cinnamon and doesn't have any of the yuckies found in most candles.

What are you most excited about for fall? Share in the comments below!