I'm Back!
/As I promised back in April, now that I've settled into some big life changes, I'm back to posting on the blog regularly, and in the process of a bit of a revamp. To keep you up to date, I graduated from my Dietetic Internship in May! Please excuse the blurry cell phone picture.
This means that I'm finally eligible to take (and hopefully pass) my RD exam! After graduating, because I don't like to waste time, I officially moved out of my apartment the next day, and headed back home. Why you ask? Because I got married the very next weekend!
Talk about stressful, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. :) After a week of honeymooning and some time spent unpacking and getting settled in our new place, we're finally in some sort of routine. There are still some boxes we haven't brought ourselves to deal with yet, but we at least have utensils now (seriously, we couldn't eat here the first day because we had no utensils). Now I'm in the process of studying for my exam, among other things, and I'm ready to get back to work. One change I'm making is incorporating some videos in with my posts. I've been doing some YouTube videos over the past year in secret because I thought it was kind of embarassing. Mostly beauty type stuff. But I realized, while I love makeup (A LOT) I don't really have any great info or breaking news to share. What I know I've just learned from other people. So, instead, I'm going to be moving my YouTube channel to be complimentary to the blog. I'm making a new channel, and deleting the old one, but I'm not sure if I'll move the old videos over or not, Part of me thinks this should be a clean slate, but another part says "Hey! You spent a lot of time working on those videos!" You can find and watch them if you want, just don't tell me about it. : ) I'm also putting myself on a posting schedule. New blog posts every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and videos on Wednesdays. The videos will usually correspond to the blog post. Also, there may be additional blog and video posts if something comes up, but there will always at least be the scheduled posts. I'm also planning to change the layout and such, so if you come one day and everything looks totally different, don't worry, you're still in the right place. I think that's it for now. If you have any questions or requests, please leave me a comment. The best part of this thing is interacting with y'all and I love to hear your thoughts and ideas for the type of content you'd like see.
So tell me...
What kind of posts would you like to see? Leave your ideas in the comments below.