Should You Be Eating Gluten Free?
/Recently, a reader requested some gluten-free recipes and I thought this would be a good opportunity to talk a little bit about gluten and gluten-free eating. Start by watching the video below. :) [youtube=]
Now, while there are a lot of foods you can eat if you're gluten-free, it's still not easy to change up your diet. Here are some links to people and resources to help you out.
- InspiredRD. This Registered Dietitian blogs about many topics, including her own diagnosis with Celiac disease. She also posts plenty of gluten-free recipes.
- Gluten Dude. A man with Celiac disease blogs about Celiac issues and frustrations.
- National Foundation for Celiac Awareness. A one stop shop for info and resources, including a list a gluten-free bloggers.
- Celiac Chicks. Kelley (who is also allergic to dairy and corn) shares gluten free recipes, as well as info on gluten-free restaurants and bakeries around the world.
- Gluten Free Goddess. Gluten-free and vegan recipes plus info on how to go gluten-free. I love her photos and the option to sort recipes by season.
There are a ton of gluten-free blogs and websites out there, but these are just a few to get you started. If you have Celiac disease, it may also be helpful to look for a support group in your area.
Do you eat gluten-free? If so, why and what has been your experience? Let me know in the comments below!