Summer CSA Week 13

It's hard to believe, but this is the last week of our Summer CSA. This post is a little late because we just hadn't eaten everything up yet. :D As this series comes to an end, I'd love some feedback from you. Our Fall CSA will be starting soon, so if you liked this series and would want to see a fall version, let me know!

Now on to the food!

Here's everything we got in our last box. Items are below, starting at the top and moving left to right.

Summer CSA Week 13

  1. Potatoes
  2. Arugula
  3. Green beans
  4. Okra
  5. Assorted eggplant
  6. Oriental cucumber
  7. Assorted peppers
  8. Red slicing tomatoes
  9. Sun Gold tomatoes
  10. Red cherry tomatoes

We ate all of the tomatoes for snacks (as usual).

The arugula served as a great salad for pizza night. I topped it with some tomatoes from our garden and a quick vinaigrette.

Pizza with Arugula Salad

The potatoes and green beans were sides for a roasted spatchcocked chicken. I'm in love with this method of cooking a whole chicken! It cooks faster and gets nice and crispy all over. If you want more info, I raved about it in my August Favorites.

I roasted the potatoes with the chicken and then sauteed the green beans.

Spatchcock Chicken with Roasted Potatoes


Spatchcock Chicken with Roasted Potatoes and Sauteed Green Beans

I'm trying to get some good BLTs in before all of the tomatoes are gone. Instead of lettuce, we used some basil from the garden and served it with the okra. I tried sauteing the okra this time and it was ok. I definitely need to play around with it a little bit. The cucumber went into a big batch of refrigerator pickles, which we also ate with this meal. I have no idea if the particular pickle here is actually the one from our CSA, but you get the idea.

BLT with Okra and Pickle

The peppers and the eggplant got to take a trip to the beach with us and I threw them in with a bunch of other veggies to make my favorite easy dinner: roasted chicken and vegetables. I spatchcocked this chicken too, because, ya know, it's awesome.

Spatchcock Chicken with Roasted Vegetables

And that wraps everything up for the Summer CSA. Summer flew by for me, and I'm sad to see it go, but I'm also excited for all of the fun autumnal things ahead of us.

What are your thoughts on the CSA series? Would you like me to continue it in with our Fall CSA? Let me know in the comments below!