Fall CSA Week 4

Here's the Week 4 box! Everything is listed below, starting at the top and moving from left to right. Fall CSA Week 4

  1. Sweet potatoes
  2. Magenta lettuce
  3. Salad mix
  4. Assorted eggplant
  5. Fingerling potatoes
  6. Italian parsley
  7. Fresh back eyed peas
  8. Okra
  9. Jalapeno peppers (in the rubber band)
  10. Sweet banana peppers

I'm sad to say, we did have some CSA casualties with this box. The okra and the parsley both ended up in the compost heap. It was just bad planning on my part. I hate when perfectly good food goes to waste, but it still happens sometimes.

The magenta lettuce, black eyed peas, and banana peppers all came together to make some yummy burrito bowls.

Burrito Bowls

I roasted the eggplant and fingerling potatoes and served them with fried eggs. This meal wasn't great color-wise, but it tasted good. :D

Fried Eggs with Roasted Eggplants and Fingerling Potatoes

We had eggs another night, this time scrambled, and enjoyed them with the salad mix (topped with a tahini dressing) and roasted sweet potatoes. This was my favorite meal of the week!

Scrambled Eggs, Roasted Sweet Potatoes, and Salad with Lemon-Garlic Tahini Dressing



Fall CSA Week 5