August Favorites 2014 | Cooking, Recipes, Nail Polish, and More!
/It's favorites time! These are all of the things I've been loving in the month August. Maybe you'll like some of them too! [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]
- Spatchcocking. I promise this isn't inappropriate in the slightest. It's actually a great way to cook a whole chicken! You simply remove the chicken's back bone and then open it up. A good crack of the breast bone and it'll lay flat for you. The chicken cooks much faster this way, and the thigh skin gets a chance to get crispy since it's up on top with everything else. Plus, you can now cook that chicken on the grill.
- Berry Crumble. This recipe from Green Kitchen Stories is awesome. It's a dessert that won't give you a crash or tummy ache because it's not loaded with refined sugar. I used butter instead of coconut oil and opted for raspberries because that's hat I had available.
- White Nails. Crisp, clean, and bright. One of my favorite summer shades.
- Sherlock. A modern day version that you can stream on Netflix. Each season consists of three 90 minute episodes.
- Bridal Show. It was so fun meeting some brides-to-be!
What was one of your favorite things this month? Share in the comments below!