August Farmers Market Haul!

August Farmers Market Haul  

One of my favorite places is the farmers market, especially during the transition from one season to the next. There are so many delicious fruits and veggies to choose from! Here's everything I got on my most recent farmers market trip in late August.


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August Favorites 2015 | Garden Plants, Healthy App, and Natural Hair Products

August Favorites August is almost over and that means it's time to talk about my August favorites! This month I'm sharing a couple plants in my garden that are giving me some delicious food, a healthy living app, and natural shampoo and conditioner. 


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August Favorites 2014 | Cooking, Recipes, Nail Polish, and More!

It's favorites time! These are all of the things I've been loving in the month August. Maybe you'll like some of them too! [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

  1. Spatchcocking. I promise this isn't inappropriate in the slightest. It's actually a great way to cook a whole chicken! You simply remove the chicken's back bone and then open it up. A good crack of the breast bone and it'll lay flat for you. The chicken cooks much faster this way, and the thigh skin gets a chance to get crispy since it's up on top with everything else. Plus, you can now cook that chicken on the grill.
  2. Berry Crumble. This recipe from Green Kitchen Stories is awesome. It's a dessert that won't give you a crash or tummy ache because it's not loaded with refined sugar. I used butter instead of coconut oil and opted for raspberries because that's hat I had available.
  3. White Nails. Crisp, clean, and bright. One of my favorite summer shades.
  4. Sherlock. A modern day version that you can stream on Netflix. Each season consists of three 90 minute episodes.
  5. Bridal Show. It was so fun meeting some brides-to-be!

What was one of your favorite things this month? Share in the comments below!