Fall CSA Week 7
/Here's everything I got in my box! Items are listed below, starting at the top and moving left to right.
- Kale
- Arugula
- Dried black eyed peas
- Yellow roc d'or beans
- Broccoli
- Eggplant
- Sweet potatoes
- Jalapenos
- Turnips
I reserved the peppers for homemade hot sauce and shelled the black eyed peas to save for later.
I used the kale to make a salad with tahini dressing and roasted some of the sweet potatoes. With a fried egg, it was perfect.
Ok, this picture didn't turn out the best. I guess I need to work on my soup photography skills. The roc d'or beans, homemade chicken stock, and some leftover chicken all went into the pot, along with some onion and garlic. Yum!
Pizza night should look familiar if you've been checking back each week for these posts. This week, the salad was arugula with a homemade vinaigrette.
Lots of the veggies went into this meal. I roasted the eggplant, turnips, and broccoli and sauteed the turnip greens. We had fried eggs again, which some people might not like, but I love eggs so I'm fine with it. :D