What I Ate #3 | Healthy Dinner Ideas

Healthy Dinner Ideas  

It can be hard to come up with healthy dinner ideas, so I'm sharing a few of my recent dinners from the past month! I hope that seeing what I'm eating gives you some ideas for what to make at your house. These dinners were DELICIOUS! ; )

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What I Ate #2 | Healthy Dinner Ideas

What I Ate If you're curious as to what exactly a dietitian eats or just need some healthy dinner inspiration, this one's for you. I'm sharing some recent dinners from my table and giving you all the yummy details. Who says healthy food can't be delicious?


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Buying Half a Hog

Tomato soup recipe from Entertaining with Beth

What I Ate #1 | Healthy Dinner Ideas

Ever wonder what a dietitian eats? Here's a peak at some of my dinners from the past month. From the simple to the more complicated and the delicious to the straight up awful, it's all here. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]