NNMC Picking Protein: What About Protein Powders?
/First, let me start by saying that I can't believe this the last post of the National Nutrition Month Challenge! March sure has flown by. I'd love to hear your feedback about the challenge, how it went for you, and if you would like to see more challenges in the future. This blog is it's best when the content is relevant to you, so, as always, let me know what's on your mind.
With that said, we are closing out this week about protein with some information on protein powders. From whey to soy to pea to hemp, there are a lot of options out there. Most people use them after a workout to boost muscle growth. Because protein is used in the body to build and repair, this makes sense. But is it really necessary? You won't be surprised to hear me say that I think using whole foods is always the best option. I like to have a little protein after a workout, but mine comes in the form of an egg, yogurt, or handful of nuts. Unless you're a professional athlete, I don't think it's worth it. Plus, we know that getting protein isn't difficult if you're eating a variety of nutritious foods and have enough to eat overall. With all that said, many people like adding a scoop of protein powder to a post-workout shake or a breakfast smoothie. If this is you, the important thing is to make sure you're getting a quality product. You don't want anything that has artificial sweeteners, flavors, or colors. But remember, this is still a processed food and, I say, you're always better off sticking to the real thing.
What was your favorite part the challenge? The most difficult? Would you like to see more challenges in the future?