Summer CSA Week 2

The greens are here and there are lots of them! I love my veggies, but I am struggling a little bit with this season transition. Figuring out how we're gonna eat everything is feeling a little bit like a puzzle. I think it'll just take a couple weeks to shift my meal planning and get into a new groove. Despite the challenge, I really am loving the sight when I open my fridge: a sea of vegetables! I also got a couple things that were new to me in this box: tatsoi and kohlrabi. I had never even heard of tatsoi before, but it's similar to spinach. Kohlrabi on the other hand, I was somewhat familiar with, but I was always a little afraid to buy it for some reason. I'm still learning how to use it, but I like it so far.

Here's the overview. Everything is listed below, starting at the top and moving in rows from left to right.

Summer CSA Haul Week 2

  1. Swiss chard
  2. Head of lettuce (A gigantic one! The picture doesn't do it justice.)
  3. Turnips
  4. Salad mix
  5. Tatsoi
  6. Lacinato/Dinosaur kale
  7. Kohlrabi
  8. Scallions

The salad mix and lettuce meant we were eating lots of salads. This is one of them. I had it for lunch with some leftover chicken, homemade ranch, and a touch of hot sauce. Yummy!


The Swiss chard got sauteed with garlic and some asparagus I had picked up at the farmers' market. Seasoned with just a little S and P.

Sauteed Swiss Chard and Asparagus

I was able to squeeze the kohlrabi, turnips, tatsoi, and scallions into one meal, along with some peas I had from the market. Here's a close up of the tatsoi.


Everything was cooked in some garlic-infused olive oil and homemade chicken stock, plus some salt. It was super yummy as leftovers the next day.

Turnips and Kohlrabi

I still had the greens left from the turnips and kohlrabi, so those got cooked up and finished with apple cider vinegar. They were quite delicious served with pulled pork I made in the slow cooker.

Pulled Pork with Sauteed Turnip and Kohlrabi Greens

To finish everything off, the kale will be served as salad tonight with dinner!

Are any of you kohlrabi fans? I'd love to hear your tips and favorite ways to eat it. Please share in the comments below!

Summer CSA Week 3