Summer CSA Week 3

Happy Friday! It's CSA time and Week 3 continued with the greens explosion we saw last week. A lot of my food prep time was spent washing and rewashing those gritty leaves. A good reminder that our food, ya know, grows in the dirt. :) We got our first yellow squash in this box, which made me super excited because it's one of my favs! Unfortunately, the hubs wasn't too thrilled. He says I should be glad he's not a fan because it means more for me.

I also got to play with some more kohlrabi, and it is definitely becoming a new favorite! It's tastes kind of like a mix between potato and broccoli with a little sweetness thrown in.

Here's everything we got. Items are listed starting at the top and moving left to right. Summer CSA Week 3

  1. Perpetual spinach
  2. Head of lettuce
  3. Chinese cabbage
  4. Snow peas
  5. Radishes
  6. Yellow squash
  7. Russian red kale
  8. Kohlrabi
  9. Spring onions

The snow peas we ate plain and the radishes were dipped in hummus or homemade ranch. Hooray for veggie snacks!

I used the Chinese cabbage and half of the green onions in some  fried rice.

Fried Rice

The perpetual spinach, kohlrabi leaves, and radish leaves got sauteed with the rest of the spring onions and served alongside some eggs.

Sauteed Greens and Scrambled Eggs

The head of lettuce and all of the chickens in our freezer inspired me to make a buffalo chicken salad. So so good!

Buffalo Chicken Salad

I was able to squeeze the rest of the veggies into this meal. The yellow squash and kohlrabi bulbs were roasted with some zucchini I had picked up at the farmers' market, the rest of the spring onions were added to a quinoa and black bean salad, and the red Russian kale was served as salad. A note about the kale: this particular variety was the easiest to strip from the stems of any kale I've tried.

Kale Salad, Roasted Squash, Quinoa and Black Bean Salad

And that wraps up everything for Week 3!

Are you a squash lover or a hater? Let me know in the comments below!

Summer CSA Haul Week 4