Summer CSA Week 12

It's hard to believe, but summer is coming to close and there is only one more summer CSA post after this one! Here's everything I got in my box. All items are listed below, starting at the top and moving left to right.

Summer CSA Week 12


  1. Zucchini
  2. Assorted eggplant
  3. Patty pan squash
  4. Okra
  5. Assorted peppers
  6. Poblano peppers
  7. Arugula
  8. Green beans
  9. German lunchbox tomatoes
  10. Red slicing tomatoes
  11. Onions

I ended up freezing the German lunchbox tomatoes to use this winter in a soup or stew. I laid them out in a single layer on a sheet pan in the freezer and, once they were frozen, put them in a mason jar for storage.

The arugula made a great salad to go with this tomato and sweet pepper pizza.

Tomato Basil Pizza with Arugula Salad

One night we had gumbo. It was good, but still needs some perfecting. My plan was to use all of those peppers in this dish, but, when I tried a piece of poblano, it was super spicy! According to my research (aka the Poblano Wikipedia page), sometimes poblanos can end up being spicy for whatever reason, even though they are usually a mild pepper. That meant that this gumbo ended up having a lot less in the way of veggies than I had planned. I used the okra, though you can't see it in the picture, plus some onion and a couple bell peppers I had.

Sausage Gumbo

I sauteed the green beans and served them with fried egg biscuits. So good!

Egg Biscuits with Sauteed Green Beans

A lot of the veggies went into this meal. I have to say, this isn't the most visually appealing thing I've ever made. I got the recipe for these Eggplant Lasagna Boats from the Half Baked Harvest blog and her pictures are much prettier. But hey, these posts aren't styled, they're I-just-made-this-for-dinner-and-took-a-quick-picture-before-I-ate-it, so yeah. The zucchini, patty pan squash, large tomatoes, and eggplant all went into this dish and I have to say it was a winner. The only note I would make is that eating this as your entire meal was a little too heavy with all of the cheese, sausage, and oil. Even though this has a lot of veggies in it, I would recommend eating  it as part of your meal with lots of other veggies to go along with it.

Eggplant Lasagna Boats

What do you think I should do with all of those peppers? Share in the comments below!

Summer CSA Week 13