HUGE AUGUST GARDEN HARVEST! | Rare and Heirloom Varieties!

My garden is producing well and I'm getting lots of yummy veggies in my harvests! Today, I'm taking you along for one of my biggest harvests so far this season. There are lots of tomato and peppers, plus some other veggies and flowers.

For a point of reference, I'm in Virginia in Zone 7. All of the plants in the garden we either seeded directly or started from seed inside, excluding a few basil plants. I like to grow a lot heirloom varieties, which means lots of interesting shapes and colors!


- Mexico Midget tomato
- Sungold tomato
- Indigo Cherry Drop tomato
- Blush tomato
- Purple Bumblebee tomato
- Black Cherry tomato
- Sunrise Bumblebee tomato
- Japanese Trifele Black  tomato
- Dark Galaxy tomato
- Jaune Flamme tomato
- Black Beauty tomato
- Buena Mulata pepper
- Jimmy Nardello pepper
- Mini Red Bell pepper
- Mini Yellow Bell pepper
- Rattlesnake Snap bean
- Purple Podded Pole bean
- Mexican Sour Gherkin cucamelon
- Beary's Giant Zinnia