/It's time for another garden update! July is coming to an end and I'm starting to get the first fruits from my garden! There are lots of green tomatoes waiting to ripen, a few that are ready to eat, and lots of peppers coming along too! The cucumbers have really taken off and the zinnias and marigolds are starting to bloom and are adding some beautiful colors to the garden. There are a few green beans that are ready to harvest too! This first harvest is just the beginning and I can't wait to see what we get as the plant continue to grow and produce!
For a point of reference, I'm in Virginia in Zone 7. All of the plants in the garden we either seeded directly or started from seed inside, excluding a few basil plants. I like to grow a lot heirloom varieties, which means lots of interesting shapes and colors!
- Mexico Midget tomato
- Sungold tomato
- Indigo Cherry Drop tomato
- Pear tomato
- Black cherry tomato
- Sunrise Bumblebee tomato
- Blush tomato
- Black Beauty tomato
- Buena Mulata pepper
- Ralph Thompson Squash pepper
- Jimmy Nardello pepper
- Lemon Drop pepper
- Sugar Rush Peach pepper
- Brazillian Starfish pepper
- Mini Red Bell pepper
- Rattlesnake Snap bean
- Beary's Giant Zinnia
- Queen Lime Red Zinnia