6 Tips to Avoid Summer Party Weight Gain

With summer parties can come summer weight gain. Here are 6 tips to avoid it. The festivities that summer brings are great, but they tend to involve lots of food. So how can you enjoy the summer fun without gaining extra weight? These 6 tips will help you enjoy all of your summer parties and activities without adding extra pounds.

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Exercise Myth You Probably Believe!

Do you believe this exercise myth? Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but not everything you've heard about exercise is true. There's one exercise myth in particular that I see everywhere. It seems like almost everyone believes this exercise myth! In fact, it's so ingrained in our culture that you might not have even realized it was something you believed in the first place.

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8 Tips to Lose Weight When You Can't Exercise

Losing weight can be tough, but it gets even more difficult when you can't exercise. Whether you're working through an injury or you're dealing with something long term, it's still possible to lose weight. Here are 8 tips to lose weight when you can't exercise. Losing weight can be tough, but it gets even more difficult when you can't exercise. Whether you're working through an injury or you're dealing with something long term, it's still possible to lose weight. Here are my 8 tips to lose weight when you can't exercise.

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5 Sneaky Reasons You're NOT Losing Weight

5 Sneaky Reasons You're NOT Losing Weight! Weight loss can be tricky and it's frustrating when you hit a plateau. If you're trying to lose weight, but it's just not working, one of these things might be to blame. Weight loss can be tricky and it's frustrating when you hit a plateau. If you're trying to lose weight, but it's just not working, one of these things might be to blame. These are the sneaky reasons you aren't losing weight. You may not think about them right away, but they have a big impact on your weight loss.

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Why Am I Always Hungry?

Why am I always hungry No matter what, do you always feel like you're hungry? If you are dealing with an insatiable appetite, you aren't alone. There are a lot of things that can affect your hunger and the situation is a little different for each us. I'm going through a bunch of them so you can start to figure out what is going on in your case.


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The Biggest Weight Loss Myth


Calorie Counting

There is one weight loss myth so big that almost everyone would agree that it's true. You've probably even tried it yourself. The thing is, this particular method can not only lead to an unhealthy body, but an unhealthy mind and relationship with food as well. It's time to bust this weight loss myth and talk about what we can do instead.


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Why I Don't Care How Much You Weigh

We are constantly bombarded by messages about how important weight is when it comes to our health. It's simple: being overweight is unhealthy and thinness equals health. But does weight really matter? In this video, I explain why we should stop worrying so much about weight and what we should be focusing on instead. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

Have you ever found yourself measuring your health based solely on your weight? What do you think about this approach? Share in the comments below!

My Thoughts on Rachel at the Biggest Loser Season 15 Finale

I've seen a lot concerning this topic and wanted to give you guys my thoughts in a quick, informal video. Please remember to be respectful with your comments and remember that we don't know the whole story as far as this issue is concerned. Love you guys! [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]